Posts > TS for React: Prop Types
October 21, 2023
, number
and boolean
type AppProps = {
message: string,
count: number,
disabled: boolean,
arrays ( string[]
, number[]
type AppProps = {
names: string[], // array of string
ids: number[], // array of number
literal types
type AppProps = {
status: 'success' | 'failed',
type AppProps = {
data: {
id: number,
first_name: string,
last_name: string,
arrays of object
type AppProps = {
data: {
id: number,
first_name: string,
last_name: string,
type AppProps = {
// no parameter or doesn't return anything
onClick: () => void;
// named function or function requiring id as number as parameter
onChange: (id: number) => void;
// function need an id and explicitly returns a number
onChange: (id: number) => number;
// function takes an event
onChange: (event: React.ChangeEvent<HtmlInputElement>) => void; //
// or
onClick: (event: React.MouseEvent<HtmlButtonElement>) => void;
type AppProps = {
name?: string, // the ? in the end will tell TS that the type is optional
type AppProps = {
setState: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>, //doesn't have to be number only
type AppProps = {
children?: React.ReactNode,
childrenElement: React.JSX.Element,
css properties
type AppProps = {
style?: React.CSSProperties;
type AppProps = {
onChange?: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>,
// without ref
type ButtonProps = React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>;
// with ref
type ButtonProps = React.ComponentPropsWithRef<'button'>;
👌ComponentProps are typically used when you want to create a component using a native html element likebutton
without ref
type ButtonProps = React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'button'>
export default function Button({type, autoFocus}: ButtonProps) {
return <button {...props}>Click</button>
import Button from '@/component/Button';
export default App(){
return {
<Button type='solid' autoFocus={true} />
with ref
type ButtonProps = React.ComponentPropsWithRef<'button'>
export default function Button({type, autoFocus, ref}: ButtonProps) {
return <button type={type} ref={ref} autoFocus={autoFocus}>Click</button>
// ---
import Button from '@/component/Button';
export default App(){
return {
<Button type='solid' autoFocus={true} ref={} />
👌Can also use ComponentProps to get the props of a component ( reference
const SubmitButton = (props: {onClick: () => void}}) => {
return <button onClick={props.onClick}>Submit</button>
type SubmitButtonProps = ComponentProps< typeof SubmitButton >;