
My study notes, how-to guide and random stuff.

  • React Query Basic: Query Lifecycle

    July 16, 2024

    I never really created my own loading and error handling before without using React query.

  • React Query Basic

    July 8, 2024

    I’ve been using React Query for some time now but didn’t really understand it as I’ve used my old company project code in React Query and used it on my other projects without knowing why the code does that.

  • TS for React: Prop Types

    October 21, 2023

    Here are some basic type and useful prop types when using Typescript in React.

  • Learning React Context API

    September 10, 2023

    Context API is a feature added in Reacy 16.3 that allows to share states across the entire application.

  • TS Basic: Literal Types

    August 20, 2023

    Literal Types allow you to SPECIFY that a variable or parameter MUST HAVE A PARTICULAR value

  • TS Basic: Type Assertion

    August 10, 2023

    Sometimes you will have information about the type of value that TS can’t know about. Type assertions are used to explicitly specify the type of a value when the TS compiler is unable to infer it automatically.

  • TS Basic: Interfaces

    July 25, 2023

    Interface declaration is another way to name an object type.

  • TS Basic: Type Aliases

    July 22, 2023

    Type aliases are a way of creating a custom name for your type variables, functions and objects for reusability and readability.

  • TS Basic: Type Annotation

    July 9, 2023

    Type annotation is where you can optionally add a type to explicitly specify the type of the variables, function ( parameters and return ), and objects.

  • Login / Logout / User Authentication

    June 25, 2023

    My first time adding User Authentication / Login Logout integration to my client project was an awesome experience. I’ve always been just doing the CRUD, Component before and giving me the opportunity to do the Login credentials was pretty cool.

💻 What I'm working on

  • Tasks List

    August 31, 2023

    A task list application for storing work-related tasks and notes. Unlike a simple to-do list application this will be able to add categories and priorities for sorting and reporting purposes.

  • Portfolio v3

    February 5, 2023

    I am currently updating my portfolio website after three years of working as a front-end developer, utilizing ReactJs and NextJs.